About/Review Policy

I'm a Children's Librarian with a large library system. I received my MLS with a focus on librarianship for children and young adults and I have my Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies.

I'm currently serving on CLAU to recommend children's fiction for the Beehive Award nominations. I like to write and am working toward publication. I am a member of SCBWI in hopes of gaining insight into the inner workings of publication.

Here you will find my thoughts on books--anywhere from picture books to young adult books to the classics. I will also post library and silly nerd related elements. Enjoy!

ARC Review Policy (Updated 10/31/2017)

Thank you for considering my blog as a resource to review your material. I review a wide variety of YA, Middlegrade, and Picture Books. As libraries often do not purchase self-published books, it is my policy to only read ARCs from reputable publishers.

Due to time constraints, I cannot always read everything that comes my way.  I will advise my readers that I have received an advance copy to give full disclosure. I generally rate on a five-star system, but will not post reviews of books I've rated under 3 stars on my blog. I will be fair in all of my judgments. I reserve the right to dislike a book and not post it on the blog. I may, however, review it on Goodreads with some notes of why the book wasn't for me, without a star rating.

To consider your book, please e-mail me at acpaige14 at gmail dot com. I will want to confirm some information about the book. This includes title, genre, a quick synopsis, and the number of pages. I generally give a book 30 pages to impress me before I give myself permission to put it down.

don't receive or accept monetary compensation for my book reviews.
A.C. Paige


I get most of my pictures from creative commons. I do not own the copyright to the book images on this site. I copy book images from Goodreads. Because I review these books (which images I use), I deem these photos fair use under the copyright policy as these books are under criticism. For further questions regarding the use of images e-mail me at acpaige14 at gmail dot com. Thank you.